General Aviation Caucuses were formed in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate in 2009 to inform members and staff about the importance of general aviation to the nation’s economy and transportation systems. Currently, there are 240 members in the House caucus and 40 members in the Senate Caucus.
Aviation in California by the numbers:
- Total annual economic impact of aviation in the State of California: $168.7 billion.
- Aviation related employment: 1.2 million jobs, $46.5 billion in payroll, 4.7% of U.S. GDP
- General aviation annual economic impact: $30.2 billion, highest state impact in the U.S.
- 22 Military Airfields & 635 State-Permitted Aviation Facilities, including: 323 heliports; 243 public use airports, (217 are general aviation and 30 are commercial passenger service); 68 special use airports.
- 28,402 FAA registered aircraft in the state, 9.3% of the national total. (2018)
- 58,008 FAA certified pilots. (2016)
- 215 million passengers pass through the state’s commercial service airports annually. (2016)
- 4.4 million tons of air cargo pass through the state’s airports annually. (2016)
- Aviation user taxes generate $350 million in revenue each year, with less than 2% returned to support the state’s Aeronautics Program.
Specifically, the purpose of the Aviation Caucus is:
- Inform members, staff, and the general public of the importance of aviation to the state’s economy and transportation system.
- Support a steady and adequate source of funding for the state’s aeronautics programs.
- Support the maintenance and improvement of the state’s airports system.
- Support the creation of aviation related jobs.
- Support economic policies that are competitive with other states to incentive commercial investment in California.
- Support policies that improve and streamline the CEQA process.
- Encourage the focus on STEM in primary and secondary education for preparing a competitive workforce.
- Encourage the enhancement of aviation related trade and technical courses throughout the state community college system.
- Encourage local governments to ensure compatible land uses in airport environs.
- Promote tourism.
Sources: California Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics
The Economic Impact of Civil Aviation on the U.S. Economy, Jan. 2015
General Aviation's Contribution to the U.S. Economy, Feb. 2015
prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP